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Leadership Transition

  • Elections

    Elections should be held each semester or annually, with special elections when needed. A RSO should abide by its constitution and bylaws for processes and procedures.

    If election processes are not laid out in the RSO constitution it should use Robert’s Rules of Order for guidance to processes and procedures.

    All elections should be recorded in RSO minutes and maintained for future reference.

  • Transition
    • Update your Involve@State profile with your new officer(s)/leader(s)
      • You can do this through “Manage Organization.”
      • For information on how to manage your roster, visit the Involve@State Section of this RSO Handbook.
    • If there is a new President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, report them through the Updating Officers form on Involve@State.
      • This will notify us of officer changes and changes to your Authorized Signers, if you have an on-campus account.
      • You will need a copy of minutes, notes, etc to validation the transition. 
    • Ensure the new officer(s)/leader(s) has a copy of the organization constitution, all passwords to email/social media accounts, etc., key contacts and their information, and other organization documents, such as agendas and meeting minutes. Also ensure any standing reservations, etc are passed along.
      • Consider having these in a MS Teams drive, Google drive, etc.
    • Introduce the new officer(s)/leader(s) to the student organization adviser.
    • Plan a meeting/retreat to ensure the full leadership team is on the same page with plans, goals, etc.
      • In the cases of special elections or appointments mid-term, you should coordinate smaller meetings/retreats as early as possible after a special election or appointment.
      • This can also be a shadowing previous officers process.
      • Review the duties and responsibilities of the position with the new officer(s)/leader(s).
    • Review any budgetary/financial information with the new officer(s)/leader(s).
    • Connect the new officer/leader with any resources they may need in order to complete their duties and responsibilities.
      • Include information from the ASMSU RSO Consultants, RSO Team, institutional/department/campus partners, etc.
      • Include any current ongoing event planning and where in the process the RSO is with that.

Leadership Transition PDF

Updated 12 August 2022